Michael Gabler
Michael Gabler
Affiliation: Astronomy and Astrophysics Department. University of Valencia
Fields or areas of research Stellar Astrophysics, Supernova Explosions and their Remnants, Neutron stars, Numerical Hydrodynamics and Magnetohydrodynamics
After obtaining my degree in Physics from the Friedrich-Schiller-Universität in Jena, Germany, I moved to Munich to do my PhD at the Max-Planck-Insitute for Astrophysics (MPA) in the field of neutron star oscillations. During that period I also realized long-time stays at the Universidad de Valencia (UV) and the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. The PhD thesis, finished in 2011, was awarded with the Universe PhD Award for the best theoretical doctoral thesis in 2011 in the Excellence Cluster Universe, Munich, Germany. Following a first postdoc position in Valencia (2011-2014), where I intensified my research of highly magnetized neutron stars, I returned to the MPA to work in the field of supernova explosions (2014-2019). In 2019, I worked a short time as visiting professor at the Universidad Estadual de Santa Cruz, Ilhéus, Brazil until I started my current position as a distinguished researcher of excellence – CIDEGENT in the department of astronomy and astrophysics at the UV.
My research is focused on the field of stellar explosions and their remnants. The physical conditions in these events are so extreme that there is no way to directly reproduce them in terrestrial laboratories. We therefore simulate the explosions in highly complex numerical simulations and compare them to observations. The questions we would like to answer are: How exactly do stars explode at the end time of their lives? What can the remnants of these explosions tell us about these catastrophic events? How the matter behaves in the unique physical conditions during the explosion and also inside the compact remnants: neutrons stars or black holes?
These fascinating events are expected sources of gravitational waves and neutrinos. However, we have to be very lucky to observe such an event within our Galaxy, where the last explosion occurred only several centuries ago. My research is thus focused on what the remnants of the supernovae, beginning a few hours or days up to hundreds or thousand of years after the onset of the event, can tell us about the mechanism at work at the very beginning of the explosion. In the CIDEGENT, we investigate in detail the difference in the outcome of supernova explosions depending on different models of the progenitor star and apply these results in comparisons to well know supernova remnants like SN 1987A and the Cas A Nebula".
People associated with the project as predoctoral research staff: 1