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Juan Andrés Herrero García

Juan Andrés Herrero García




Affiliation: Instituto de Física Corpuscular (IFIC), CSIC-Universitat de València

Fields or areas of research Physics beyond the Standard Model, dark matter and neutrino physics

Juan Andrés Herrero García has a degree in Physics from the University of Zaragoza (2009), and a Diploma of Higher Education from the University of Southampton. In 2010 he completed a Masters in Advanced Physics and in 2014 he received his PhD in Theoretical Physics from the University of Valencia (excellent Cum Laude and extraordinary Doctorate award). His research deals with Theoretical Particle Physics. His work focuses on Physics beyond the Standard Model, trying to solve some of the problems that it presents. In particular, he studies neutrino mass models and their phenomenological consequences, as well as the problem of dark matter in the Universe and its possible detection.

He has carried out 6 years of postdoctoral stays at international research centers: at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm (Sweden), at the Center of Excellence for Particle Physics at the Terascale and the University of Adelaide (Australia), and at the Istituto Nazionale de Fisica Nucleare (INFN) and the Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati of Trieste (Italy). He has carried out three-month research stays at the Max Planck Institute in Heidelberg (Germany) and at Northwestern University in Illinois (USA), and one-month stays at the European Laboratory for Particle Physics (CERN) in Geneva (Switzerland) and at Fermilab in Illinois (USA). In addition to research, he teaches (accredited by ANECA to "contratado doctor") at the Faculty of Physics of the University of Valencia, and regularly supervises Masters and Doctoral Theses. Finally, he combines his usual work with outreach activities.


In October 2020, he returned to Spain, to the Institute of Corpuscular Physics (IFIC, Universitat de València / CSIC) with the project "Neutrino Masses and Dark Matter: Towards the New Standard Model", thanks to a CIDEGENT grant from the Gen-T Plan of the Generalitat Valencian.

People associated with the project as predoctoral research staff: 1