Pablo P. Boix
Pablo P. Boix
Finish date: 2019
Affiliation: Universitat de València
Fields or areas of research Photovoltaic , Optoelectronics , Electrochemistry , Semiconductors
Pablo P. Boix received his PhD. in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology from the Universitat Jaume I (2012, Castelló, Spain). During this period, he worked on unveiling the physical processes governing optoelectronic devices such as dye sensitized, quantum dots and organic solar cells. In 2012 he joined the Energy Research Institute at Nanyang Technological University (Singapore), where he led a research line on lead halide perovskites for optoelectronic applications. He worked on industrial perovskite photovoltaic development (Dyesol Ltd., Lausanne, Switzerland) in 2016. After that, Pablo joined Universitat de València as a Ramon y Cajal fellow. He has participated in more than 10 international and national research projects (leading or co-leading 6 of them), publishing more than 90 articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals and 3 book chapters. The high impact of his research, which has contributed to the implementation of new materials and device concepts, is represented in more than 8252 citations, with h-index = 48 (Scopus, January 2020), and also resulted in a "Young Scientist" invitation at GYSS (Global Young Scientists Summit, 2015, Singapore).
People associated with the project as predoctoral research staff: 1
People associated with the project as technical support staff: 1