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Rosa Adam Ortiz

Rosa Adam Ortiz



Affiliation: Instituto de Tecnología Química (ITQ). Universidad Politécnica de Valencia-CSIC

Fields or areas of research Ciencia y tecnologías químicas

Rosa Adam Ortiz (Llombai, 1985) obtained her bachelor degree in Pharmacy in 2008 at the Universitat de València. In 2013, she recieved her PhD degree at the same university under the supervision of professors Belén Abarca and Rafael Ballesteros. Her PhD studies, in the field of organic chemistry, were funded by a FPI fellowship granted by Generalitat Valenciana. During her PhD, she performed a research stay at the ECPM of Université de Strasbourg. Next, she moved to the Leibniz Institute for Catalysis where she worked as postdoctoral researcher in the group of professor Matthias Beller, with a grant funded by Fundación Ramón Areces. In 2017 she returned to Comunitat Valenciana as postdoctoral researcher in the Instituto de Tecnologia Química (ITQ, Universitat Politècnica de València – CSIC) in the group of professor Avelino Corma and Dr Antonio Leyva. In 2018 she was granted with a postdoctoral Junior Leader Incoming fellowship from Fundación la Caixa that allowed her starting her own line of research at the ITQ. During 2020 her line of research was further funded with a SEJI project from Generalitat Valenciana. Her main research interest is focused on the development of new heterogeneous catalytic systems for performing organic chemistry reactions with higher levels of sustainability.

People associated with the project as predoctoral research staff: 1