Emma Torró Pastor
Emma Torró Pastor
Affiliation: Instituto de Física Corpuscular (IFIC), CSIC-Universitat de València
Fields or areas of research High Energy Physics
I did my bachelor in Physics at University of Valencia. For my PhD I joined IFIC and became part of the ATLAS collaboration at CERN. The main topic of my thesis was the search for Physics Beyond the Standard Model, in particular in Supersymmetric models in uncommon scenarios like R-Parity violation. During this time I also participated in the ATLAS Inner Detector operation. After my thesis defence, in 2013, I continued to work at IFIC in a search for Supersymmetry that resulted in one of the first ATLAS publications where the observed number of data events considerably exceeded the expected number. This discrepancy, which brought some hope to the community of being in the path of finding new physics, was unfortunately discarded in a later search including higher luminosity (more data).
In 2015 I started working for University of Washington (Seattle). I moved to CERN where I spent 5 years dedicated to the search for new Long-Lived Particles (LLPs).
Since that moment my work has been focused on the search for displaced objects (vertices, jets, leptons, etc.) coming from LLP decays, making use of the most modern Machine Learning techniques. During my post-doc I was the coordinator of the ATLAS group dedicated to the search for "Exotic" physics giving rise to unconventional signatures. I was part of the Trigger team (the first stage in data taking and filtering) and I was the contact between the trigger and the exotics physics groups. In 2019 I joined the IRIS-HEP project, an institute formed by several institutions in the USA that aims to develop the state-of-the-art software cyberinfrastructure required for the challenges of data intensive scientific research at the High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) at CERN, and other planned HEP experiments of the 2020's. I participated in the development of a new declarative analysis language. Since 2016 I am a member of the MATHUSLA collaboration, a new proposed experiment for the search of ultra-long-lived particles to be build on the surface above CMS for the HL-LHC. In April 2020 I returned to IFIC, where my CIDEGENT project currently allows me to continue my research line in the search for LLPs both in ATLAS and in MATHUSLA.
People associated with the project as predoctoral research staff: 1